The Polish-French-Ukrainian documentary In the Rearview by Maciek Hamela has been invited to the prestigious L'ACID section of the Cannes festival. This will be the international release of the film which recounts the beginning of the war in Ukraine.

The Cannes Film Festival is one of the world's most important and prestigious film events. Every year the selection committee receives a record number of submissions for each section. Thousands of talented filmmakers dream of showing off their creations at the Côte d'Azur. This year's edition of the festival will take place on 16–27 of May.

Maciek Hamela's documentary has been invited to the prestigious section L'ACID – Association du Cinéma Indépendant pour sa Diffusion, i.e., an association of independent cinema that works for its promotion. The organisation was established in 1990 as part of the famous French festival.

In the Rearview is a Polish-French-Ukrainian production that lets us see the first days of the Russian invasion on Ukrainian territory. It is a collective portrait of people who have directly experienced the impact of war. The residents of the invaded country find themselves trapped in their own homes or in the vehicles that are to evacuate them out of the occupied cities. The director watches Ukrainians walking tens of kilometres westwards, setting up temporary hospitals, camps, or night shelters along the way.

The film is produced by Affinity Cine (Poland) and Impakt Film (Poland), co-produced by SaNoSi Productions (France) and 435 FILMS (Ukraine).

You can find out more about the program and the L’ACID section here.