The latest documentary by Hanna Polak, "Something better to come", was appreciated in Croatia. The film won the Jury's Special Mention at the ZagrebDox festival.
Polish-Danish co-production "Something better to come" by Hanna Polak can boast yet another success. The film won the Jury's Special Mention in the International Competition at the 11th edition of the festival ZagrebDox. The film was awarded by the jury consisting of: Vinko Brešan, Ágnes Sós, Hans Robert Eisenhauer.
The protagonist of "Something better to come" is 11-year-old Jula. She lives on the svalka, the biggest dumping ground in Europe, 20 km away from the centre of Moscow. The area, surrounded by a wall and controlled by the guards, is supposed to be free from all kinds of intruders. However, there is a small group of people who live there and make a small community, deprived of rights. These people are Jula's closest family. She leads her life here, and here Jula dreams about future far away from the dumping ground.
You can find more information about the festival on its website.