The Polish-German-Hungarian documentary project Maoimi - Larger than Life directed by Judit Oláh has been invited to this year's TIDF25 Agora.

This year's TIDF25 Agora will be held on 5–9 March. As usual, the program is going to be rich and varied. The Thessaloniki Pitching Forum and Agora Docs in Progress, Agora Lab, the Meet the Future Spotlight program, the exciting Agora Talks and useful Doc Counselling sessions will all be present – as always. This year, a Polish co-production has been invited to the Thessaloniki Pitching Forum.

The Thessaloniki Pitching Forum selects projects that have the potential to interest film professionals from around the world. The event is aimed at people who are looking for potential sponsors to make their film.

This year, 14 projects have been selected to participate in pitching, including a Polish co-production.  The documentary Maoimi - Larger than Life is directed by Judit Oláh, produced by Anna Stylinska, Katarzyna Ślesicka – My Way Studio from Poland and Inez Mátis – Pi Productions from Hungary, Annika Mayer – Majmun Films from Germany.

You can find out more about the event here.