After the last success at the Abu Dhabi Film Festival (award for the best short documentary), Martin Rath's film stood at the podium once more - this time in Chile!

The 19th edition of the International Short Film Festival in Satiago, Chile, has ended extremely successfully for Polish shorts. Amongst the winners two etudes were found, including one documentary, both completed at the National Polish Film School in Łódź.

The second award in the short documentary category went to "Written in Ink" (2011) directed by Martin Rath, for "the ability to extract the sensititvity of the most hidden recesses of the human soul, and for the individual language of the documentary narrative."

Martin Rath's film tells the story of a man, who after fourteen years tries to contact his sister and answer the question whether it is possibile to change something what had already been written...

The festival in Chile has also awarded a feature etude by Justyna Tafel. Her "A Morning" (2010) has been honoured the second prize in the feature film category, as well as  the best director and the best screenplay.

For further information please have a look here.