The documentary film "Kantor's Circle," directed by Adrianna and Iwo Książek, is nominated for the Prix Italia award within the frames of the 68th edition of the festival, this year held on the island of Lampedusa.
"Kantor's Circle" is among 20 films nominated in the artistic film category. It is the 68th edition of this festival, which this year is held from September 30 to October 2, 2016 on the island of Lampedusa in Italy. Prix Italia is one of the oldest and the most prestigious international awards for radio, television and Internet creators.
"Kantor's Circle" is a story about great friendships, the youth, shared passion for art and about life during German occupation. In Krakow, during World War II, Tadeusz Kantor, one of the greatest playwrights of the 20th century, gathered a group of talented visual artists. Most of them were the students of the German School of Arts and Crafts, under the aegis of which the conspirational Academy of Fine Arts was hidden. Together with them, Tadeusz Kantor founded the Independent Theatre. In private apartments, they gave two secret performances and organised an exhibition of avant-garde painting. "The art which was born then, was born out of danger and was born against the danger." From this group sprung up great personalities of Polish culture and art of the 20th century. In this group, there were, among others, Wojciech Jerzy Has, Jerzy Nowosielski, Jerzy and Lidia Skarżyński, Jerzy Turowicz and others.
You can find more information about the award and the festival on the website of Prix Italia.