On the 16th of May, ended the festival CinéDOC in Tbilisi. There, as many as two awards went to the documentary film "You Have No Idea How Much I Love You" by Paweł Łoziński.

CinéDOC-Tbilisi is the only documentary film festival in the area of the Caucasus. This year, the fifth edition of the event was held. During this year's event, as many as two awards went to the film by Paweł Łoziński "You Have No Idea How Much I Love You." The documentary film won the main award in the international film competition and the audience award.

What does the word "love" really mean? During our lives, we often create bonds and ties with our close ones, which with time seem to us impossible to untangle. The film tells the story of the tragedy of two women, mother and daughter, bound together by a difficult, complicated feeling. For the protagonists, the crucial event is a meeting with a third person, a stranger who becomes a close one, an experienced therapist. His basic tools are words and empathy.

Paweł Łoziński invites us to participate in private therapy sessions. In an intimate conversation of three people, old wounds and deeply hidden emotions of the protagonists slowly come to the surface. Will it be possible for them to leave the circle of long-standing grudges? Or to cut the umbilical cord connecting them without risking losing their bond? In the safe environment of the consulting-room, the therapist takes the protagonists on a difficult journey into themselves and at the same time, towards better mutual relationship. We watch closely the spiritual process of untangling the ties which cumulated with the passage of time. Is there a chance to heal the "scar left by the mother" on both sides of the severed umbilical cord?

The full list of award-winners is here.