"Communion", the documentary debut feature film directed by Anna Zamecka, produced in 2017 by HBO Poland, Otter Films, and Wajda Studio, has been nominated for the European Academy Awards 2017 Documentary Selection. EFA members can vote for the film only till November, 30th.
If you still have not seen "Communion", producers will organize screenings in 4 major cities so that all friends and EFA members can watch the film on the big screen.
ROME Saturday, November 25, 15.00, Casa del Cinema,
BERLIN Sunday, November 26, 12.00 fsk Kino ,
LONDON November Tuesday 28, 18.30 Institute of Contemporary Art
COPENHAGEN, Wednesday, November 29, 21.15 Grand Teatret.
The screenings in Berlin, London and Copenhagen will be followed by a Q&A with the director Anna Zamecka.
"Communion" tells the story of a 14 years old girl, Ola, who takes care of her dysfunctional father, autistic brother and a mother who lives separately. But most of all she tries to reunite the family - she lives in the hope of bringing her mother back home. Her 13 years old brother Nikodem’s Holy Communion is a pretext for the family to meet up. Ola is entirely responsible for preparing the perfect family celebration, whereas Nikodem is watching his family's struggle from his own, exceptional perspective.
"Communion" is the documentary feature film directed by Anna Zamecka, produced in 2016 by HBO Europe, Otter Films and Wajda Studio, co-financed by Polish Film Institue.
The film has already been presented and won many awards at international film festivals:
Locarno Film Festival 2016 (Semaine De La Critique Best Film), Warsaw Film Festival (Best Documentary Award), DOK Leipzig Film Festival (Young Eyes Award), IDFA (Best of Fests), Minsk International Film Festival "Listapad", Bratislava International Film Festival (Best Documentary Film), Camerimage Film Festival, Trieste Film Festival (Best Documentary Film), ZagrebDOX, It's All True International Documentary Film Festival (Best Documentary Film), Hot Docs Documentary Film Festival, DOk.fest International Documentary Film Festival Munich (SOS-Kinderdorfer Weltweit Award), TRT Documentary Awards (Best Documentary Award), DOC Aviv Film Festival and OsloPIX (Grand Prix Documentary), Polish Film Academy Awards - Eagle (Best Documentary Film), Ânûû-rû Âboro Documentary FF, Nouvelle Caledonie, 2017 (Grand Prize), Astra Film Festival, Romania, 2017 (BEST DOCUMENTARY IN THE CENTRAL & EASTERN EUROPE COMPETITION)
The winner will be announced on 9th December during the official ceremony in Berlin on December, 9th.