The documentary film by Paweł Chorzępa won Special Mention for debut film award at the Spanish festival MiradasDoc.
MiradasDoc is a documentary film festival whose history dates back to 2006. It was then when, in the city of Guía de Isora (Tenerife), the first edition of the festival was held, whose originator and the main organiser is the Municipal Office of Guía de Isora. During this year's edition, the production by the Munk Studio was awarded.
The award-winning "Sonny," directed by Paweł Chorzępa, is a very subtly told story about difficult love between father and son and the image of a constant struggle for freedom. There are not many words, gestures and deeds speak about the family relationship. Marcin, the main protagonist, was badly hurt by his parents. His mother drank during her pregnancy, which is why he was born with fetal alcohol syndrome, and when he was twelve years old, he was taken from his parents because of their alcohol addiction. The orphanage took his childhood away. He felt there as if he were in the army. In spite of all the bad experiences, after reaching majority he decided to come back to his father and attempt to build anew the relationship with him. Finding his own place, his own sanctuary, which Marcin discovers in the aviary, fills him with hope. However, the constant care of his alcoholic father continues to clip his wings.
The list of all awarded films can be found here.