You can get acquainted with the film by Małgorzata Imierska tomorrow, in "Kijów" Cinema Centre at 12:30. The director looks closely at the war trauma which afflicts Polish soldiers and their families at everyday basis.
The war in Afghanistan was the answer to the terrorist attack at World Trade Center and the rejection of the ultimatum consisting of giving up the Al-Qaeda leaders. It has continued for over 10 years. Since the decision of Polish government to support the Allied Forces in Afghanistan on 22 November 2001 we have sent there over 2500 soldiers, 36 of whom died during the mission. The documentary tells the story of five regulars, who spend half a year in the military base in Ghazni province. Their statements are the accounts of their experiences and observations from the mission, but most of all they show their present mental condition. The film by Imańska depicts the transformations which take place in the protagonists' psyche as a result of the detachment from normal life, and the exposure to constant stress caused by the feeling of insecurity and exhaustion. On the one hand, the soldiers speaking in the film have a strong sense of duty and belief in the meaning of their work, on the other hand, they are not free from some doubts and questions about what they do, which they ask themselves. The mission turns out to be a difficult trial to the soldiers and to their families alike. The documentary touches upon family problems, tells about unending farewells, and difficulties in returning to the civil life. The camera accompanies the film protagonists in the military base and during the missions which they perform, and follows their relationships with their relatives. The famous composer Michał Lorenc provided a great soundtrack to the film.
Kaja Kajder