Polish Films at DOK Leipzig

At the forthcoming 52nd International Documentary and Animated Film Festival DOK LEIPZIG, there will be a strong representation of the Polish films. Six films will take part in the competition, and several others will be shown to the German audience during extra-competition presentations. In addition to that, 13 films, promoted by Polish Docs, will be presented during the festival’s fair.


Polish accents at the festival:


International Documentary Film Competition:

“Chemo”  directed by Paweł Łoziński

“The Actors” directed by Tomasz Wolski

Also “17 sierpień” (17th August), Russian-Polish-Finnish coproduction directed by Aleksander Gutman, will be in this section.


International Documentary Films Competition for Young Talents:

 “Where the Sun doesn’t rush” — directed by Matej Bobrik

“Ptaki nieloty” „Flightless birds” — Michał Dawidowicz


International DOK Programme:

“Happy Jews” — dir. Jonathan Rozenbaum

“Wyrok na życie”  „Sentenced for life”— dir. Marcin Koszałka

“Bocznica” „Side-track” — dir. Anna Kazejak


Animation Competition:

“A Chick” — dir. Michał Socha


New German Animations:

“Esterhazy” — dir. Izabela Plucińska


Apart from this, two films, of which Poland was the co-producer, will be shown in the German Documentary Films Competition:

 “Cato” —directed by Dagmar Brendecke, produced by Germany, France and Poland “Fliegerkosmonauten” — directed by  Marian Kiss, produced by Germany and Poland  


In the show concerned with the political breakthrough: Transit ’89. Gdansk-​​Leipzig-​​Bucharest — Special Programme on the Political Upheaval as Reflected in Documentary Films there are:

“Robotnicy ’80″ ” Workers, 1980s” — dir. Michał Bukojemski, Andrzej Chodakowski, Andrzej Zajączkowski

“Opowieści okrągłego stołu” „The Tales of the Round Table” — dir. Piotr Bikont, Leszek Dziumowicz

“Wyjście” „Exit” — dir. Małgorzata Bieńkowska


In the W division  of Best of MDR there will be “Rabbit à la Berlin” (dir. Bartek Konopka, Piotr Rosołowski), and in the Special Show by Polish Institute in Leipzig,  “Farewell GDR! From Warsaw to freedom” (dir.  Krzysztof Czajka).


In the previous editions of the Leipzig Festival Marcin Koszałka received the Main Prize for  “Do bólu” (“Till It Hurts”), Mirosław Dębiński – the MDR Award for “Lekcję Białoruskiego” (“The Lesson of Byelorussian”), Jarosław Sztandera – Main Prize for “Po cud”  (“For a miracle”) and Jerzy Kucia – an award in the animation competition for “Strojenie Instrumentów” (”Tuning the instruments”).


More information about the Festival: www​.dok​-leip​zig​.de