"Brothers" is the latest documentary project of Wojciech Staroń. The premiere is scheduled for autumn 2013. Even now, we invite you to read the interview, in which the author tells us about the protagonists and the secrets of making this peculiar documen-tary. The interview was conducted by Daniel Stopa.

"Brothers" is the result of your long-time observation of Mieczysław and Alfons Kułakowski. Always, when I watch the documentaries by Helena Trestikova, the action of which takes place over many years, I wonder, how are such films made? Is it the result of a patient eye? Could you prepare for the recording in such a situation? How did it look like in the case of "Brothers?"

Wojtek Staroń:  In case of "Brothers" we simply went with Małgosia to the protagonists for some time and we observed carefully everything happening there. The things about which we knew in advance happened rather rarely. The exhibition of Alfons's paintings in Brussels was such a situation. We were lucky to be in Poland at the moment and we could go there. However, we usually went there without any idea of what to expect, without any screenplay and strictly delineated set. When you make a decision to start such a project, you cannot expect that it would be enough to come, set up the camera and shoot everything within two days. In order for something unexpected to happen, you have to stay much longer, only after two, three days life began to go by in the normal way, and we felt that the film crew does not interfere with the natural life rhythm of Mieczysław and Alfons. For the first two days the protagonists constantly behave as if they were quizzed, and later they get used to it. It is also important to get well acquainted with our protagonists. We feel as a part of the family in the house of the Kułakowskis, no one is embarrassed by our presence, all barriers were broken long ago.

And how does making of such a project look like in regard to production?

It is really difficult to get funds for such a film. For a long time we spent our own money on travelling there.  Polish Television and Polish Film Institute have recently expressed their interest in the project, so we have some kind of a basis now.  All the time, Małgosia goes abroad with the trailer and looks for co-producers.

All interview available here.