The VR documentary by Jacek Nagłowski and Patryk Jordnaowicz received the Open Frame Award at goEast Film Festival.
The goEast festival was scheduled to take place on May 5-11, but due to the outbreak of the pandemic, the organizers decided on a hybrid model of the festival. Part of the program events, including selected films and the VR section, will be made available to participants online, while other events, for example screenings of films from the main competition are postponed to the further, autumn date.
The Polish project Whispers by Jacek Nagłowski and Patryk Jordnaowicz was invited to the VR section and recieved the first prize. The jury awarded it unanimously for" presenting the subject of healing and impenetrableforces of life and death in a unique, poetic way - all the more in the times when we have been put on the edge bu both these elements. In "Whispers" each scene resembles a live tableau, it is a visual feast of colors and composition. A real feat in the field of virtual reality [...] ".
More information about the festival can be found on its official website.