After the last year’s success of “Charcoal Burners” at the Festival „Fenêtres sur courts” in Dijon, where the film received Grand Prix, Piotr Złotorowicz – the director of this short documentary – won the prize with the same importance at another French festival.

The “work” (“le travail”) is the subject that appears in every film genre: from animation to experimental, from fiction to documentary. This is the reason why the organizers of the festival "Filmer le Travail" in Poitiers focus on the matter of “work” – as different forms and different characters – and try to create the whole event devoted to this kind of theme.

The second edition of the festival in Poitier came to end 6th of February. The Grand Prix of the festival went to the Polish documentary film “Charcoal Burners” directed by Piotr Złotorowicz who is graduated from the Elec­trical Engin­eer­ing Fac­ulty at Szcze­cin Uni­ver­sity of Tech­no­logy and since 2006 he has studied the film dir­ect­ing at Pol­ish National Film School in Łódź.

“Charcoal Burners” is a story about Marek and Janina who work every summer in the Bieszczady mountains making charcoal. Far from civilization, they live in the midst of the mountains following the rhythm dictated by nature.

What is more, the documentary by Piotr Złotorowicz won the Award for the Best Short Documentary at the XXIV Pärnu International Film Festival in Estonia (2010) and the Award for the Best Documentary Film at the IX Open St.Petersburg Student Film Festival Beginning in Russia (2010).

You can find more information about the festival "Filmer le Travail" here.