Every three months, DOX Magazine prepares a list of documentaries particularly worth seeing. In the summer issue of the quarterly, among 34 most interesting documentaries was „Phnom Penh Lullaby”, directed by Paweł Kloc.
DOX Magazine is a unique publication at the European press market – it is dedicated entirely to documentaries and events connected to them. Inside you can find reviews of the latest documentaries, reports from festivals, especially those most important on the film map, and other articles related to the diverse world of documentary. Each issue is accompanied by a DVD containing a full-length documentary.
The editors of DOX compose a list of films which, thanks to their originality, are especially note-worthy and stand out from hundreds of other recent productions. In the latest issue of the quarterly, “Phnom Penh Lullaby” by Paweł Kloc was included in the list.
Ilhan Schickman has left Israel for Phnom Penh, where he barely makes a living for Saran, his Cambodian companion, by telling passer-by their fortunes. - we read in the short note. - Paweł Kloc captures the conflict in the strange couple’s private life and updates the image of the Wandering Jew by drawing the portrait of a complex man caught up between realism and naivety and whose genuine desire for love clashes with a society corrupted by mass prostitution.
Find more information on the film here.
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(Translation by Olga Brawańska)