The documentary film by Karolina Bielawska was awarded at the Full Frame Documentary Film Festival in the USA. This is the eighteenth award for "Call Me Marianna."
On April 10, the winners of the 19th edition of the Full Frame Documentary Film Festival were announced. The jury, consisting of Sabrina Schmidt Gordon, Melinda Shopsin and David Teague, decided to give the Charles E. Guggenheim Emerging Artist Award to the film "Call Me Marianna," directed by Karolina Bielawska.
Marianna, the film's protagonist, made a dramatic choice between living according to her identity and being with her family. Preparing for the sex reassignment surgery, she had to leave her home, and, in accordance with Polish legal procedures, sue her own parents. On the threshold of the new life, fate turned out to be extremely cruel for her. During the rehearsals of the play inspired by Marianna's story, the protagonist has to face the difficult experiences from her marriage once again.
The full list of award-winners is on the festival's website.