27-minute documentary film "Home," directed by Filip Jacobson, a graduate of Gdynia Film School, won the GRAND PRIX award in the international competition at the CHEAP CUTS Documentary Film Festival in London.

The first edition of the CHEAP CUTS Documentary Film Festival was held at the beginning of April this year. It is a new event in the film world, addressed to young talents in Great Britain and around the world. The creators of the festival emphasise that they are interested primarily in stories told through films, rather than in the equipment used to make them or the production's budget. A international jury consisting of documentary film-makers chose the winners in several categories.

In London, the film by Filip Jacobson turned out to be the best one among 1400 short documentary films, submitted from all over the world. "Home" is a story about two sisters, Grażyna and Wioletta, who run a social assistance centre for the homeless. Their unconventional methods of work and their attitude to life make the charges of the centre seem happy and cheerful. The film was shot in the vicinity of Sobieszów near Gdańsk.

Filip Jacobson studied Polish studies, graduated from film studies at the University of Lodz. He belongs to the first generation of students of Gdynia Film School. His debut film study "Walk," made in 2011, was shown at festivals in Poland and abroad. The film-maker likes to be involved in social film projects. In Poland, Turkey and Romania, he organised film workshops for disadvantages youth and the homeless.

The full list of award-winners is on the festival's website.

information from Gdynia Film School