The documentary film directed by Karolina Bielawska and Julia Ruszkiewicz will compete for International Grand Prix for Author’s Documentary, that is the prestigious award of Monte-​​Carlo Television Festival.

Grand Prix for Author’s Documentary award has been given by the Université Radiophonique et Télévisuelle Internationale (URTI) since 1981. As the founders emphasise, this kind of award goes to the director whose documentary is a mix of a fascinating subject and the author’s technique and experience.

The Grand Prix for Author’s Documentary statuette and 10,000 $ award will be given during the Monte-​​Carlo TV Festival, which will take place from 6-10 June.

Among the films nominated for the Grand Prix award there is the documentary “Warsaw Available” by Karolina Bielawska and Julia Ruszkiewicz. The films shows a story of three girls from the former state farm villages, setting out to conquer the “great wide world”, which Warsaw is for them.

In addition, two documentaries produced by Polish Television “An American in the Communist Poland” by Piotr Morawski and Ryszard Kaczyński and “Dad from behind the Iron Curtain” by Krzysztof Rzączyński were qualified for the competition programme of the Monte-​​Carlo TV Festival – ”New Documentaries”.

More information can be found here.